There are times when a brave face just can't be found. The day-to-day weighs heavy and escape from a broken yet mended body is not within grasp. Last night was one of those moments, filled with great despair, pain, tears, everything hurt, everything just hurt.
Is it age, YES! Is it disability, YES! Reality, YES...sometimes inescapable!
At these moments it's important to dig deep, feel all the pain, hurt, angst, confront it and burn it off. Most of the time successful, but when not, memories help ease my transition back to non-tears...and writing it down, seeing it first hand, sets those feelings of hurt,, for a moment.
The result...random prose; scribblings, this time a bit of poetry...usually about a feeling, person; this time it's a place that gave me much joy!
Youth's Luxuries, Aging's Bounty
Walking along this beach last night
Sliver of moon to guide
Sights, aromas once breathed deep
Awake it all seemed so real
Crush of cold winters breath
Jacked up beyond jagged edges
Pristine barrel, washing machine
Sting of sand and sea
My friend the Wedge
Memories held close
Sustain through struggle
As does heartache