Friday, February 25, 2011

What's Next?

An able body lends itself to climbing mountains, sailing oceans, surfing outer swells and beach breaks, as well as the everyday activities we learn as we grow up.  When said body is broken, becomes permanently paralyzed, life drastically changes.  No longer able to care for self, dependent on others for dressing and other inconveniences, it's easy to give up, just quit.  And, finding a place in society, some amount of joy and a love for life is a challenge.

At twenty-one years old, twenty-nine days after that emancipating birthday, a single wave, a shifting sandbar and a fearless body surfer became one.  The result was a life changing, devastating, C4/5/6 spinal cord injury.  Laying face down in the ocean, starring at glowing sand, unable to move, nothing made much sense.  As my mind cleared, survival was my only focus and my surroundings a possible final watery resting place.

There was no panic, no pain and no air.  My lungs burned as they began to collapse, each surreal moment stealing precious seconds of life and my focus.  As time passed it became more difficult to think clearly.  Holding my breath was all I had left, not breathing, living, my soul purpose in life.

By staying calm, concentrating, being fully in the moment and receiving a helping hand or two, life might continue; not end. Those helping hands appeared, I survived and found the breath to ask "What's Next?"  Even tho I had no clue what was wrong or how much my life would change...I was still alive!

As they wheeled me into surgery my father whispered "Never Surrender!"  Near thirty-three years later I've done my best to honor his request.  I haven't surrendered, in fact I live an active, fulfilling life and I'm still asking "What's Next?"  Life doesn't end with paralysis; a broken neck in my case, it just gets much, much more complicated.  In the end, life is what you make it, put into it.  Disability or not, happy or sad, the choice is all ours!

Instead of waves, a wet suit and fins, my creative freedom now flows with wheels, cameras and lenses.  Being able to visualize, compose and shoot, along with a never ending curiosity for life are my creative tools of choice.  As for these still fingers and legs, well, they're just part of my journey.

No matter what life throws in your path, never surrender...just shoot it!   I hope you enjoy my images, ramblings and all the bits in between..  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


  1. hi jerry, i'm a friend of angela's and i hope you don't mind my following your blog...she posted this link on facebook...your writing is amazing! i completely agree, life IS what we put into it, our attitude is definitely our choice.... thanks for sharing!

  2. - Looking forward to more post, you're an inspiring soul, Jerry.


  3. I'm much looking forward to your posts, Jerry. Your creativity is amazing, as is your attitude to life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A man to be admired, my hat goes off to you my friend.


    PS;why I'm linked to having a blog is beyond me, LOL(woofy comment ;-)
