Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's about time I showed up...

Well 2011/12 rolled right along, absent from blogging but not life, caught up in healing an aging body, I've kept quiet mostly.  Occasional musings, chatings and a few images were posted on FB for family and a few close friends.  Found myself in a most reflective and silent place, multiple setbacks, some movement forward physically...mentally, well you that know me best know best...sanity is intact.

Still dwelling in these four blank bedroom walls more hours then not, my bed comfortable but confining.  Comfort, maintaining a good chin up, a continued bright outlook on life's craziness, all the magic, the gift from  my much better half; life partner; sanity in check by her sustained support/love.  There were a few excursions out into the real world, daylight, our garden, a soccer game, birthday and other parties, even a guitar/music recital.  Some images, poetry and other writing completed.  More design/programming, lots of music and even more meditations; one practice faithfully embraced.

Healing, cross fingers, is near end; for now.  The mechanics of non injuring self mostly drilled into pea brain, all that remains are some equipment upgrades and with all good fortune I'll be up and rolling more than laying about in the semi-horizontal. laughing please...are to be much more faithful to this blogging practice.  For now 'Blogger' will be the platform for immediate expression, designs are in the works for a more complete website look-n-feel.  There will be images; many more with info/technique/equipment/etc., a few more poems; previously published and new.  And an attempt to divulge my experiments, experiences, adaptations, for/in/of  photography and daily disabled living, loving and continued enlightenment and/or silliness.

Additional posts will follow soon, hope all had Happy Holidays and that the New Year will bring us all a bit more peace and good health.  A speshul shout out to the Apparelyzed Gang, I've not forgotten you and will post more in 2013.  Smile a bit more, laugh a bit more, love a bit more...lets do a lot more of all three.  And remember, never surrender...just shoot it!

Seeya soon...

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